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What Do Probiotics Do for Men? Here Are 7 Powerful Benefits

At this point, you’ve probably heard probiotics are good for you…

They’re regularly touted as a phenomenal health boost for women, but did you know they’re just as beneficial for men?

Probiotics are packed with health benefits—improving everything from fertility to digestion to immunity. Every time you take a probiotic pill, billions of tiny micro-organisms go to work in your gut to help your body feel better. Here’s what to know about probiotics for men…

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are living microorganisms (“good bacteria” and yeast) that maintain the health and functioning of your body (1).

They’re found in fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt, and more, but many people take them as capsule supplements to ensure they’re getting enough to reap the health benefits. There are many different strains of probiotics, and the ones you take depend on the benefits you’re looking for.

7 Benefits of Probiotics for Men

Probiotics offer a wide range of health benefits for men and make for a fantastic daily supplement (2). Here’s how probiotics can boost a man’s health…

Infographic showing 7 benefits of probiotics for men.

1. Immunity

Did you know that the majority of your immune system exists in your GI tract? As many as 70-80% of your immune cells are in your gut, so when probiotics improve your gut health, your immune system benefits too. A healthier gut makes for better immunity (3, 4).

2. Male Fertility

Studies have found that some strains of probiotics may help boost testosterone while improving men’s sperm count and quality (5, 6). This boost in testosterone can also help build muscle (7).

3. Focus and Mental Sharpness

If you experience brain fog, probiotics may help. Probiotics have been linked to improved cognitive function. This is likely thanks to their positive impact on immunity, which helps support normal and healthy brain functioning (8).

4. Skin Health

Probiotics may help treat or even prevent inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, acne, and more. They could even help you ward off UV skin damage, but make sure you still wear sunscreen (9, 10).

5. Weight Loss and Management

Research has linked probiotics to potential weight loss in several ways. For starters, studies have indicated that certain probiotics may reduce the calories or fat that your body absorbs, and they may even curb weight retention (11).


Additional research has found that probiotics can release a hormone associated with reduced appetite, and a protein that may help decrease levels of fat stored in the body (12, 13). Some probiotics have also been found to strengthen muscles and aid in weight loss along the way (14).

6. Digestion

Probiotics can help improve your digestion by keeping you “regular” and lowering your chances of constipation and bloating (15). If you’re suffering from chronic diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome, probiotics may drastically improve your symptoms (16).

7. Blood Pressure

Probiotics may cause a slight reduction in blood pressure, especially if your usual baseline blood pressure is high (17).

When Is the Best Time to Take a Probiotic?

When making probiotics part of your routine, the most important thing is that you take them consistently. This matters way more than the time of day that you take them.

The most common probiotic routine is to take them in the morning, though taking them at night is also fine for most strains. It’s ideal to take probiotics with a meal or just before one, but it’s not required—they’ll still have a positive impact either way (18, 19).

Make sure to check the label on your probiotics for any special instructions, but otherwise, the most important thing is to consistently take one capsule per day.

Image of a young man holding a glass of water in one hand and a probiotic capsule in the other.

Potential Downsides of Probiotics

Probiotics are generally considered safe for most people, but like any new addition to your health routine, there is always the potential for side effects. If you are immune compromised, you may want to speak with a healthcare provider before starting probiotics (20). Here are some of the most common side effects (21)…

Stomach pain

This could include gas or bloat. If you experience this, reduce your daily dose and slowly work your way back up to one full dose daily.


If you rely on fermented food as your probiotic source (rather than taking it as a supplement) you may be at risk for headaches. This is because probiotic-rich foods tend to have an ingredient called biogenic amines, which excite the nervous system and trigger head pain in some people (22).


Infections from probiotics are rare, but there is a risk. This is an especially high risk for people with suppressed immune systems or who have recently undergone surgery (23).

Redness or Swelling

Certain probiotic strains can increase histamine in your digestive tract. This can dilate your blood vessels, which can cause inflammatory reactions like redness, allergies, or swelling (24, 25, 26).

Ingredient Allergies

Some probiotic supplements include common allergens like dairy, soy, yeast, or eggs. Be sure to look at the ingredients listed on the packaging and consult with your doctor if you have any concerns.

The Bottom Line

If you’re someone who’s looking for smoother digestion, safe weight loss, and clearer skin, probiotics may be the perfect all-natural solution. We created our NativePath Probiotic to make it as easy as possible to make the supplement a regular part of your daily routine. With 10 unique super-strains and 2.75 billion (yes, billion!) active cultures per capsule, you’ll be well on your way to better gut health.

As a writer, editor, and wellness seeker, Claire has written for Self, Health, Prevention, CNN, Mic, Livestrong, and Greatist, just to name a few. When she's not writing, she specializes in traveling, getting lost in health-related research rabbit holes, and finding new ways to spoil her cat.

More Probiotic

Medical Disclaimer
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Chad Walding nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.

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